2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report (Microsoft & Linkedin)

The purpose of this report is to provide insights into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the workplace and to examine the trends and challenges associated with AI adoption. The main takeaways from the report are as follows: The report highlights the increasing prevalence of AI in the workplace, the importance of AI adoptionContinue reading “2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report (Microsoft & Linkedin)”

The Difference Between Great AI and Great Teaching with Dan Meyer (YouTube)

Dan Meyer emphasizes the importance of holding onto the profound truths about teaching and learning in times of tech disruption. He argues that AI, especially chatbots, fail to invite and develop student thinking, leaving teachers with too much to do. The hype around AI in education has not been met with actual usage, as manyContinue reading “The Difference Between Great AI and Great Teaching with Dan Meyer (YouTube)”

Kevin Scott on AI and Humanism (YouTube)

🔧 Scott’s passion for cooking and woodworking stems from his upbringing in a family that valued DIY projects. This background influenced his career as an engineer, where he builds and creates with code, complementing his hands-on hobbies. 💼 The partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI was a crucial decision driven by the recognition that AI advancementsContinue reading “Kevin Scott on AI and Humanism (YouTube)”


This paper examines the rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and their adoption in the workplace. It aims to explore the opportunities and benefits that AI can bring to the workplace, as well as the risks and challenges associated with its use. The key takeaways from the paper are as follows: 💡Opportunities of AIContinue reading “USING AI IN THE WORKPLACE -OPPORTUNITIES, RISKS AND POLICY RESPONSES (OECD, March 2024)”

Shaping the Future of Learning: The Role of AI in Education 4.0 (WEF/ Insight report/ April 2024)

This insight report explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in transforming education systems and improving learning outcomes. Here are the key takeaways of the report: The report includes case studies highlighting real-world examples of how AI is already advancing Education 4.0. It emphasizes the need for careful consideration and strategic implementation of AI inContinue reading “Shaping the Future of Learning: The Role of AI in Education 4.0 (WEF/ Insight report/ April 2024)”

Fostering Empathy and Connection: The Impact of storynest.ai in Educational Settings

I often meet students who dislike reading and struggle to connect with texts. However, with exciting advancements in AI-powered platforms like storynest.ai, we now have a powerful tool to captivate and engage these readers. By leveraging storynest.ai, we can generate personalized short stories/fiction/nonfiction/educational material that resonate with students’ interests, fostering a deep connection to theContinue reading “Fostering Empathy and Connection: The Impact of storynest.ai in Educational Settings”

AI Explainer Series (Tim Clements)

Did you know that the team at Purpose and Means has developed an enlightening series that explains various aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? If you haven’t had a chance to explore it yet, I highly recommend you do so. They have so far published three insightful diagrams: These resources are a great way to deepen your understandingContinue reading “AI Explainer Series (Tim Clements)”


This paper explores the economics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), focusing on its potential as a new General-Purpose Technology that can significantly influence economic productivity and societal wellbeing. It examines AI’s unique capacity for autonomy and self-improvement, which could accelerate innovation and potentially revive sluggish productivity growth across various industries, while also acknowledging the uncertainties surroundingContinue reading “THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON PRODUCTIVITY, DISTRIBUTION AND GROWTH (OECD/April 2024)”

Preparing For AI’s Impact (Sadhguru)

Key insights: 👨‍🎓 Professions as we know them today will become obsolete in the future due to the advancement of artificial intelligence. It is important to develop skills beyond intellectual capabilities to remain relevant in this changing landscape. 🧠 The education system focuses heavily on intellectual development, but there are multiple dimensions of human intelligenceContinue reading “Preparing For AI’s Impact (Sadhguru)”

The Impact of AI on Education, Work, and Jobs: Special Keynote (Gerd Leonhard/YouTube)

💡 The advancement of AI technology presents both opportunities and challenges for education, work, and jobs. While machines can handle routine tasks, it is crucial for humans to focus on skills that cannot be replicated by machines, such as creativity, intuition, and understanding. 💡 Trust and ethics are essential in the development and use ofContinue reading “The Impact of AI on Education, Work, and Jobs: Special Keynote (Gerd Leonhard/YouTube)”

Embracing AI: Cadbury 5 Star’s ‘Nothing University’ and the Future of Work-Life Balance (Ad)

This ad campaign by Cadbury 5 Star, titled “Nothing University,” can be a good starting point for discussing AI with high school students for several reasons: 🤩Engaging and relatable concept: The campaign presents a future scenario where AI takes over coding jobs, which can capture the attention and interest of high school students who areContinue reading “Embracing AI: Cadbury 5 Star’s ‘Nothing University’ and the Future of Work-Life Balance (Ad)”

Happy International Women’s Day!

On this International Women’s Day, I want to extend my warmest wishes to all the extraordinary women around the world. Today is a celebration of your strength, resilience, and remarkable achievements. To all the remarkable women who have touched my life and continue to inspire me, know that you are cherished, valued, and always inContinue reading “Happy International Women’s Day!”

How to Build New Habits for the AI Era (Podcast)

Charles Duhigg is a Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter, author, and productivity expert. He joins us on the WorkLab podcast to share insights on how to form good habits for the AI era, along with the secrets behind “supercommunicators” who have next-level conversation skills. His key insight: the ability to clearly articulate what you want is vitally important toContinue reading “How to Build New Habits for the AI Era (Podcast)”

Classroom-Ready Resources About AI For Teaching (CRAFT) 

“CRAFT is a collaboration with the Graduate School of Education and Institute for Human-Centered AI. CRAFT is a collection of co-designed free AI Literacy resources about AI for high school teachers, to help students explore, understand, question, and critique AI. CRAFT intentionally pursues a multidisciplinary approach so educators with a variety of discipline backgrounds can teach aboutContinue reading “Classroom-Ready Resources About AI For Teaching (CRAFT) “

Responsible AI in Action with Elizabeth Adams

Key insights: 🧠 Elizabeth Adams’ leadership philosophy around equity, equality, and inclusion has shaped her approach to responsible AI, emphasizing the importance of addressing societal impacts. 🌍 Elizabeth Adams’ focus on the impact of AI on communities of colour and vulnerable populations is crucial for creating responsible AI. 🌍 Elizabeth Adams pursues a PhD inContinue reading “Responsible AI in Action with Elizabeth Adams”

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators with Tailored Use Cases and Example Requests

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon Bernard Bado’s brilliant prompt that serves as a great tool for educators seeking to harness the capabilities of ChatGPT. The prompt he designed was: Bado’s Prompt: Create a curated list of use cases for ChatGPT, each thoughtfully designed to align with my occupation. This list will serve as myContinue reading “Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators with Tailored Use Cases and Example Requests”

AI + Education Summit: Advancing Human Learning with AI Technologies

“The 2024 summit was hosted again by the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) and the Stanford Accelerator for Learning. The summit brought together Stanford faculty and students along with leaders and participants from academia, industry, civic society, PK-12 education, and government.” (Source) Watch the recordings today:

GPTeach- a promising approach to scalable and interactive teacher training

“GPTeach: Interactive TA Training with GPT-based Students” presents a novel approach to teacher training using large language models (LLMs) and interactive chat-based simulations. The main goal is to provide novice teachers with a safe and engaging environment to practice teaching without the risk of negatively impacting real students. The authors introduce GPTeach, a tool thatContinue reading “GPTeach- a promising approach to scalable and interactive teacher training”

AI with Dr Craig Hansen and Stefan Bauschard

Key insights: 🤖 The future of AI agents will involve not just functionality, but the ability to learn and interact in a way that will expand their abilities and knowledge base. 📚 Using AI to sift through pedagogical frameworks and policy guidance to generate useful resources for schools could revolutionize education. 🤖 Fine-tuning AI modelsContinue reading “AI with Dr Craig Hansen and Stefan Bauschard”

AI in the United Arab Emirates’ computing, creative design and innovation K-12 curriculum (A case study)

This case study focuses on the United Arab Emirates’ initiative to incorporate AI education into the K-12 curriculum. It emphasizes the country’s commitment to preparing students with the essential knowledge and skills required to succeed in the digital era. By integrating AI education into the curriculum, the UAE aims to equip students with the toolsContinue reading “AI in the United Arab Emirates’ computing, creative design and innovation K-12 curriculum (A case study)”

2024 EDUCAUSE AI Landscape Study

The EDUCAUSE AI Landscape Study is all about understanding how people in higher education feel about AI. It looks at how ready they are, what plans they have, and how they are thinking about policies and procedures. It also considers how the workforce might change and how AI could play a part in the futureContinue reading “2024 EDUCAUSE AI Landscape Study”

Enhancing Professional Development With AI Conversation Starters (Cards)

Professional Development (PD) sessions play a crucial role in empowering educators with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of education. To foster meaningful discussions and explore the implications of AI technology, educators can use AI Conversation Starter Cards. These cards provide thought-provoking prompts across six different categories (Personal InteractionContinue reading “Enhancing Professional Development With AI Conversation Starters (Cards)”

Moral AI: And How We Get There (Book) 

“Moral AI: And How We Get There” is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the moral and ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence. It not only educates but also encourages readers to reflect on the values that should guide the development and use of AI. Highly recommended! “Can computers understand morality? Can they respect privacy?Continue reading “Moral AI: And How We Get There (Book) “

Critical Thinking and Ethics in the Age of Generative AI in Education (USC/Report)

The report titled “Critical Thinking and Ethics in the Age of Generative AI in Education” explores the potential of generative AI technologies in the field of education. It emphasizes the need for education to shift from a transactional model to a transformative and empowering one. The report discusses the possibilities of using generative AI toContinue reading “Critical Thinking and Ethics in the Age of Generative AI in Education (USC/Report)”

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