Explained: AI Bias and Hallucinations (YouTube)

Key insights đźš— AI puts the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips, but with great power comes great responsibility, and it’s important to ensure that we use it safely and responsibly. 🧠 “Yes AI might be super cool but it also needs to be used responsibly.” 🧠 AI bias and hallucinations are referred toContinue reading “Explained: AI Bias and Hallucinations (YouTube)”

What is The Algorithmic Justice League (AJL)?

The Algorithmic Justice League (AJL) is an organization raising awareness about the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) systems to perpetuate harmful biases and discrimination. Founded by AI researcher Dr. Joy Buolamwini, AJL combines art and research to illuminate AI’s social implications. Their mission is to equip advocates with resources, amplify impacted communities’ voices, and pushContinue reading “What is The Algorithmic Justice League (AJL)?”

 Unlocking Generative AI Safely and Responsibly- Classroom Toolkit (Cyberlite & Microsoft)

This toolkit is ideal for teachers looking to initiate discussions about AI but unsure where to begin; this presentation is the ultimate resource for them! It combines captivating narrative stories with essential instructional content, making it a game-changer for classrooms everywhere. Check it today! Here is why this toolkit stands out: ✨ Tackles Critical Issues:Continue reading ” Unlocking Generative AI Safely and Responsibly- Classroom Toolkit (Cyberlite & Microsoft)”

What is the Matilda Effect in AI?

The Matilda effect refers to the systematic and historical tendency to overlook or undervalue the contributions and achievements of women in various fields, including science, technology, and academia. The term “Matilda effect” was coined by science historian Margaret W. Rossiter in 1993, inspired by suffragist Matilda Joslyn Gage. The concept highlights the bias and discriminationContinue reading “What is the Matilda Effect in AI?”

 F’xa‍- Your Feminist Guide to AI Bias

F’xa is a feminist chatbot designed to address and educate people about AI bias. It serves as a guide to understanding how bias is embedded in various aspects of technology, such as search engines, recruitment algorithms, and voice assistants. F’xa was developed using the Feminist Internet’s Personal Intelligent Assistant standards and the Feminist Chatbot DesignContinue reading ” F’xa‍- Your Feminist Guide to AI Bias”

AI, Equity, and Affordability- A Primer for Higher Education Leaders and Educators (Report)

The key takeaways of this report “AI, Equity, and Affordability: A Primer for Higher Education Leaders and Educators” are as follows: These key takeaways are important because they raise awareness about the potential impact of AI in higher education and highlight the need for equity and inclusivity in its adoption. By understanding the opportunities andContinue reading “AI, Equity, and Affordability- A Primer for Higher Education Leaders and Educators (Report)”

Happy International Women’s Day!

On this International Women’s Day, I want to extend my warmest wishes to all the extraordinary women around the world. Today is a celebration of your strength, resilience, and remarkable achievements. To all the remarkable women who have touched my life and continue to inspire me, know that you are cherished, valued, and always inContinue reading “Happy International Women’s Day!”

Dialect prejudice predicts AI decisions about people’s character, employability, and criminality (Research Paper)

🔍 The study reveals that language models exhibit covert racism in the form of dialect prejudice.🌍 Language models perpetuate negative stereotypes about speakers of African American English (AAE).đź’” Covert stereotypes held by language models are more negative than any human stereotypes about African Americans ever recorded.đź’Ľ Language models are more likely to suggest assigning lessContinue reading “Dialect prejudice predicts AI decisions about people’s character, employability, and criminality (Research Paper)”

Intro to AI Ethics (Free Course/ Kaggle)

Do you want to explore the ethical aspects of AI and develop a deeper understanding of how to ensure responsible and ethical AI development and deployment? This course aims to educate individuals about the ethical considerations and challenges associated with artificial intelligence. I suggest taking this course if you are interested in understanding the ethicalContinue reading “Intro to AI Ethics (Free Course/ Kaggle)”

AI- a transformation map by Desautels Faculty of Management (World Economic Forum)

“The World Economic Forum has mapped hundreds of global issues and their interdependencies together with experts from universities, think-tanks, international organizations, or other research institutions. The information is presented in the form of an interactive, dynamic data visualization called a “transformation map”. These maps can help you understand the full landscape of a topic beforeContinue reading “AI- a transformation map by Desautels Faculty of Management (World Economic Forum)”

The AI series: AI and Surveillance Capitalism

“AI experts Camille Francois and Meredith Whittaker discuss how to break up Big Tech and build a safe and ethical AI. In the final episode of the AI series with Maria Ressa, we meet two women on the front lines of the battle to make artificial intelligence accountable. Camille Francois is a researcher specialising inContinue reading “The AI series: AI and Surveillance Capitalism”

Responsible AI in Action with Elizabeth Adams

Key insights: 🧠 Elizabeth Adams’ leadership philosophy around equity, equality, and inclusion has shaped her approach to responsible AI, emphasizing the importance of addressing societal impacts. 🌍 Elizabeth Adams’ focus on the impact of AI on communities of colour and vulnerable populations is crucial for creating responsible AI. 🌍 Elizabeth Adams pursues a PhD inContinue reading “Responsible AI in Action with Elizabeth Adams”

Beyond the Algorithm: Expanding the understanding of fairness and non-discrimination in algorithmic hiring – The case for Latin American migrants seeking employment opportunities in Spain

The key takeaways of the report “Beyond the Algorithm: Expanding the understanding of fairness and non-discrimination in algorithmic hiring – The case for Latin American migrants seeking employment opportunities in Spain” are as follows:

Visit the Michigan Virtual today!

Discover the world of artificial intelligence in education with Michigan Virtual’s comprehensive resources! Whether you are an educator, administrator, or simply curious about the potential of AI in learning, Michigan Virtual offers valuable insights and tools to navigate this transformative technology. Their AI Integration Framework and Planning Guide for AI provide essential guidance for schoolContinue reading “Visit the Michigan Virtual today!”

Dive into the Mind-Blowing TED Talks Collection on AI

TED provides a platform for leading experts, visionaries, and innovators to share their insights and perspectives on AI. By exploring this extensive collection, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential, challenges, and ethical considerations surrounding AI. From machine learning to robotics, and automation to the impact of AI on various industries, the TEDContinue reading “Dive into the Mind-Blowing TED Talks Collection on AI”

Governing AI for Humanity-Interim Report (AI Advisory Body)

The “Governing AI for Humanity” Interim Report, published in December 2023, addresses the need for international governance of artificial intelligence (AI) to harness its potential while mitigating risks. The report emphasizes the inclusive and public interest-driven governance of AI for the benefit of all. The report highlights key enablers for utilizing AI for humanity, withContinue reading “Governing AI for Humanity-Interim Report (AI Advisory Body)”

How to protect your rights in the age of AI? (TedTalk)

Joy Buolamwini’s TED talk, “How to Protect Your Rights in the Age of AI,” focuses on the importance of ethical AI and the need to fight against bias in algorithms. Here are some key findings from her talk: Buolamwini’s work is a call to action for everyone to be aware of the biases in AIContinue reading “How to protect your rights in the age of AI? (TedTalk)”

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