Explained: AI Bias and Hallucinations (YouTube)

Key insights

🚗 AI puts the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips, but with great power comes great responsibility, and it’s important to ensure that we use it safely and responsibly.

🧠 “Yes AI might be super cool but it also needs to be used responsibly.”

🧠 AI bias and hallucinations are referred to as a problem that engineers are working hard to fix.

🤯 AI bias and hallucinations could potentially put people’s lives at risk when used for critical tasks.

🧠 AI’s superpowers come from massive amounts of data from the internet, which is not a finely curated source, but rather an all-you-can-eat buffet with a lot of garbage.

🧠 “It’s a reflection of humanity with all our flaws and biases.”

🤖 Algorithmic bias in AI can have real-world impacts beyond just art and resume screening, affecting areas like facial recognition and predictive policing.

🤖 An AI model learns from the data that it’s exposed to when using AI you need to keep your eyes peeled for situations where this might come into play and sometimes you might need to decide that AI just isn’t the right tool for the job.

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