How does Gen AI affect trust in teacher-student relationships? Insights from students’ assessment experiences. (Paper/Open Access)

This paper is interesting for educators as it provides insights into the impact of Gen AI on trust in teacher-student relationships, addresses concerns about student cheating, promotes transparency and trust-building, informs student-centered Gen AI policies and practices, and enhances teacher-student relationships. Here are the key takeaways from this paper:


The 2023 AI Index covers 80 countries and reviews earlier country reports and ratings. The metrics have been updated to bring more granularity in the assessment of the implementation of the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics and to include the 2023 Global Privacy Assembly Resolution on Generative AI. The 2023 report is the result of theContinue reading “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DEMOCRATIC VALUES – 2023 (Report)”

Drafting an AI Policy

Articulate provides a beginner’s guide to drafting an AI policy. It aims to assist individuals or organizations in creating a comprehensive and human-centered policy for using artificial intelligence (AI) within the workplace. The website offers guidance on various aspects of drafting an AI policy, including the case for having one, establishing purpose and scope, layingContinue reading “Drafting an AI Policy”

Great Flowchart on AI Course Policy Decisions (UMass Amherst)

“This flowchart is designed to assist instructors in thinking through the implications of choices they may be making about the use of generative AI tools in their courses. It offers a step-by-step approach to guide instructors through key decision-making points that may help them weigh various options for themselves and their students, raises questions related toContinue reading “Great Flowchart on AI Course Policy Decisions (UMass Amherst)”

AI and Our Kids (Common Sense)

“AI and Our Kids: Common Sense Considerations and Guidance for Parents, Educators, and Policymakers” provides information and guidance regarding the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on children and education. It aims to address the concerns, possibilities, and challenges associated with AI tools in the lives of children. The document discusses the potential benefits and risksContinue reading “AI and Our Kids (Common Sense)”

AI for Teachers-an Open Textbook (Second Edition)

The key takeaways of the book “AI for Teachers: an Open Textbook/Second Edition” include:

AI Literacy Cards

Did you know that Nora Merabet-Vermeulin and Stéphane Vermeulin from HumanBrains.Education created 21 AI literacy cards? To download them, visit their website. Teachers can use their AI Literacy Cards as a versatile tool for engaging both their fellow educators and students in meaningful discussions and critical thinking about artificial intelligence (AI). Here are some ways youContinue reading “AI Literacy Cards”

How to Conduct a Gap Analysis for Implementing AI in Schools?

A gap analysis is a process that identifies the differences between your school’s current state and desired future state when implementing a new technology or change. It involves the following steps: Step 1: Identify the Current State of the SchoolWhen conducting a gap analysis for implementing AI in schools, start by understanding your school’s currentContinue reading “How to Conduct a Gap Analysis for Implementing AI in Schools?”

Artificial Intelligence Preparedness Checklist

The Artificial Intelligence Preparedness Checklist, developed by 1EdTech’s Emerging Digital Pedagogies Innovation Leadership Network (ILN), is a valuable resource for institutional leaders seeking to navigate the integration of AI in teaching and learning. This checklist serves as a comprehensive guide, aiding in the establishment of protocols, policies, and best practices for utilizing AI effectively. CheckContinue reading “Artificial Intelligence Preparedness Checklist”

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