What Machines Can’t Master-Human Skills to Thrive in the Age of AI (Citi/Report)

This report aims to explore which human skills will remain vital as AI continues to advance. Organized into six chapters, it builds on previous Citi research to offer solutions to emerging challenges in the future of work. The focus is on identifying and promoting the “Durable Human Skills” (DHS) that will maintain their value despiteContinue reading “What Machines Can’t Master-Human Skills to Thrive in the Age of AI (Citi/Report)”

AIDA’s AI Educational Resources

If you have been following my blog, you know how passionate I am about sharing meaningful and interesting AI resources with you. Today is no different. Over the weekend, I explored AIDA’s AI Educational Resources, and I am excited to share with you what I found. If you are an advanced user of AI orContinue reading “AIDA’s AI Educational Resources”

Taxonomy of Human Rights Risks Connected to Generative AI (United Nations)

This document serves as a foundational tool for policymakers, companies, and civil society to understand and address the human rights implications of generative AI. It highlights the need for a rights-based approach to AI governance, ensuring that the development and deployment of this technology do not undermine fundamental human rights. Importance of the Document MainContinue reading “Taxonomy of Human Rights Risks Connected to Generative AI (United Nations)”

From Insight to Implementation: How to Create Your AI Guidance (Stefan Bauschard and Dr. Sabba Quidwai)

The purpose of this document is to provide a framework and recommendations for educational institutions on how to develop effective guidance and policies for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The main takeaways from this document are: 1.Current landscape: 2.Executive summary: 3.Major AI guidance and frameworks: 4.Key issues across guidances: 5.Recommendations for what’s next:Continue reading “From Insight to Implementation: How to Create Your AI Guidance (Stefan Bauschard and Dr. Sabba Quidwai)”

With spatial intelligence, AI will understand the real world (TedTalks)

“In the beginning of the universe, all was darkness — until the first organisms developed sight, which ushered in an explosion of life, learning and progress. AI pioneer Fei-Fei Li says a similar moment is about to happen for computers and robots. She shows how machines are gaining “spatial intelligence” — the ability to processContinue reading “With spatial intelligence, AI will understand the real world (TedTalks)”

An MIT Exploration of Generative AI (Papers)

MIT recognizes the rapid advancement of generative AI and its potential impact on society. To contribute to the development of beneficial AI innovation and mitigate potential harm, MIT has provided funding for faculty members to explore the transformative effects of generative AI. The resulting collection of papers, published here, covers a wide range of disciplinesContinue reading “An MIT Exploration of Generative AI (Papers)”

AI-Generated Deepfake Lecture Videos: Blessing or Curse for Educators?

As the landscape of education transforms, we are faced with the possibilities and complexities of emerging technologies, such as AI-generated deepfake lecture videos. On one hand, these tools hold the promise of enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and personalization in our teaching practices. On the other, they raise valid concerns about the preservation of the human touchContinue reading “AI-Generated Deepfake Lecture Videos: Blessing or Curse for Educators?”

People + AI Research (Google)

“People + AI Research (PAIR) is a multidisciplinary team at Google that explores the human side of AI by doing fundamental research, building tools, creating design frameworks, and working with diverse communities.” The PAIR website can be useful for researchers, academics, AI practitioners, developers, designers, educators, policy-makers, and the general public who are interested inContinue reading “People + AI Research (Google)”

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