The Importance of Teaching AI to Students: The Gitanjali Rao Effect

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force. It is reshaping industries, creating new opportunities, and posing unique challenges. As educators, it is our responsibility to prepare students for this AI-driven future. One shining example of the potential of young minds in AI is Gitanjali Rao.

Gitanjali Rao is a young innovator who, at the age of 15, developed ‘Kindly’, an AI-based tool to combat cyberbullying. Recognized by UNICEF for her groundbreaking work, Rao’s software scans posts for bullying language, helping to create a safer online environment.

Why Teach AI?

Rao’s achievement underscores the importance of teaching AI to students. Here are some reasons why:

1.Fostering Innovation

    Students like Rao are a testament to the fact that when young minds are equipped with the right tools and knowledge, they can create innovative solutions to real-world problems. By teaching AI, we are providing students with the tools to become the innovators of tomorrow.

    2.Preparing for the Future

      AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in various fields, from healthcare to finance. By introducing students to AI, we are preparing them for a future where AI is a huge part of their everyday lives.

      3.Developing Critical Thinking

        Learning about AI also helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It encourages them to think about complex issues and come up with creative solutions, just like Rao did with Kindly.

        The story of Gitanjali Rao and her creation, Kindly, is a powerful reminder of the potential that lies within our students. As educators, it is our responsibility to nurture this potential by incorporating AI education into our curriculums. By doing so, we are not just teaching students about technology – we are empowering them to use that technology to make a positive impact on the world. I would like to add that there is a fantastic 3-minute video featuring Gitanjali Rao on Good Morning America you can watch here: Teen creates AI code to battle cyberbullying – Good Morning America

        Source:Teen creates AI code to battle cyberbullying – Good Morning America
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