The Importance of Teaching AI to Students: The Gitanjali Rao Effect

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force. It is reshaping industries, creating new opportunities, and posing unique challenges. As educators, it is our responsibility to prepare students for this AI-driven future. One shining example of the potential of young minds in AI is Gitanjali Rao. Gitanjali Rao is a young innovator who, atContinue reading “The Importance of Teaching AI to Students: The Gitanjali Rao Effect”

The Rise of the AI Worm

Did you know that a new menace has emerged: the AI worm?This malicious program specifically targets popular Generative AI (GenAI) tools and email assistants like Google’s Gemini Pro and OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4.012345. What is the AI Worm? The AI worm, dubbed ‘Morris II’, is a first-generation worm developed by a team of researchers. Named afterContinue reading “The Rise of the AI Worm”

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