Born Connected-The Rise of the AI Generation (Report)

Qustodio, a leading company in online safety and digital well-being for families, presents the report titled ‘Born Connected: The Rise of the AI Generation’.

-The report focuses on the digital habits and experiences of the youngest generations and addresses the challenges faced by families in keeping their children safe online.
-It explores trends in screen time, entertainment, social media, gaming, and education in 2023, both globally and across five major markets.
-Topics covered include online risks, creating safer digital spaces, parenting approaches, monitoring children’s activities, and the future of families in the digital age.
-The report examines children’s app usage in categories such as online video, social media, gaming, education, and communication.
-An annex provides historical data and insights from previous years, highlighting changing digital trends over time.
-The research methodology is based on anonymous data from over 400,000 families with children aged 4-18, collected throughout 2023. Individual insights from 100 children aged 10-13 are also included.
-The report emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between technology use and offline activities, promoting healthy digital habits, and safeguarding children from online risks.

Source:ADR_2023-24_EN.pdf (
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