Reflecting on a Year of Integrating AI in my Classroom

This school year has been a transformative journey for both my students and me, as we explored the vast potential of artificial intelligence in the educational landscape. One of the most impactful changes was the creation of chatbots tailored for my high school students. These chatbots provided personalized assistance, ensuring that each student received the help they needed, precisely when they needed it. This innovation made learning more accessible and personalized, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment. To learn more about chatbots and AI voice agents, check the following blog posts I published on my blog:

The ability to design personalized tasks based on students’ passions and interests was another significant advancement. Although I had attempted this in the past, the integration of AI allowed me to streamline the process, making it much faster and more efficient. This year, I was able to craft tasks that truly resonated with each student, enhancing their engagement and motivation.

Introducing my students to a variety of AI tools was a critical component of our curriculum. By familiarizing them with these tools, I equipped them with valuable skills that they can carry into their future careers. They learned not only how to find and use these tools but also how to apply them effectively in real-world scenarios. This practical knowledge will undoubtedly benefit them as they enter the workforce. Students’ favourite tools have been: Copilot, Neuro Mermaid, AI Comic Factory, Suno AI, ownAI, Ideogram, and Leonardoai.

One of the most rewarding aspects of using AI was helping students who believed they lacked creativity. Through AI, they discovered new ways to express themselves and realized their creative potential. This was a powerful reminder of how technology can unlock hidden talents and inspire confidence.

Incorporating AI into my classroom also led to the development of innovative assignments that combined human and artificial intelligence. These assignments challenged students to think critically about the role of AI in our world and encouraged them to explore its possibilities. Visit this blog post to check the most popular tasks (tag: lesson plan):

On a personal note, I experienced significant professional growth by running my blog. This platform allowed me to share my experiences, lesson plans, frameworks, research articles, global reports, and assignments, connect with other passionate educators, and expand my professional learning network (PLN). Meeting like-minded educators who are enthusiastic about AI in education has been incredibly fulfilling and has provided me with new perspectives and ideas. A big thanks to all the educators who have reached out to me this school year!

The introduction of AI allowed me to innovate my classroom in ways that my students immediately noticed and appreciated. The ability to automate tasks such as data selection and the creation of forms and surveys saved valuable time, enabling me to focus on what truly matters-building strong student-teacher relationships. AI handled many of the time-consuming administrative tasks, freeing me to engage more deeply with my students and support their learning journeys.

As you have probably already noticed, this blog post is more extensive than my previous ones, as I believe in the power of reflection. AI offers educators a wealth of opportunities, and I want to emphasize that bringing joy and growth into the classroom requires a commitment to lifelong learning and innovation. In this blog post, I also want to share my students’ texts about AI in their lives. Their insights and experiences highlight the transformative impact of AI on their learning and personal development. 

Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

FYI: While these four reflections represent the perspectives of one group of students, additional student reflections on AI are expected to be published in June, as not all classes I teach this year have submitted their yearly feedback forms at this time.

To sum up, AI allows educators to focus on the tasks that truly matter. By automating routine tasks, AI frees up time for educators to build meaningful relationships with their students, fostering a more engaging and supportive learning environment. I encourage all educators to embrace AI and explore its potential to revolutionize education. 

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