Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Book/Open Access)

The book “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)” provides a comprehensive overview of the field of AI, exploring its concepts, applications, and implications. Authored by Ahmed Banafa, a distinguished expert in IoT, blockchain, cybersecurity, and AI, this book is designed to be accessible to beginners, students, and professionals interested in understanding the transformative potential of AI.Continue reading “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Book/Open Access)”

New course with Hugging Face: Open Source Models with Hugging Face (Free course)

“In this course, you’ll select open source models from Hugging Face Hub to perform NLP, audio, image and multimodal tasks using the Hugging Face transformers library. Easily package your code into a user-friendly app that you can run on the cloud using Gradio and Hugging Face Spaces. “(Source) You will:

What is Ambient AI?

Ambient AI, also known as Ambient Intelligence, refers to a technological concept where artificial intelligence (AI) systems seamlessly integrate into and adapt to their surroundings, enhancing the environment and providing personalized assistance to individuals. It aims to create intelligent environments that are sensitive, responsive, and supportive of human needs and activities. The key idea behindContinue reading “What is Ambient AI?”

Understanding Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Prompting

In the world of machine learning, especially in the field of natural language processing (NLP), two terms that often come up are “zero-shot prompting” and “few-shot prompting”. These terms refer to different ways of interacting with language models. In this text, I will delve into what these terms mean, how they differ, and why theyContinue reading “Understanding Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Prompting”

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