Developing Policy Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence in Post-secondary Institutions (Report/Commonwealth of Learning)

The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive framework for higher education institutions to develop and implement policies regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI (GenAI). It aims to ensure that AI systems are used ethically, responsibly, and effectively within educational settings. The report emphasizes the necessity for institutions to update existing policies or create new ones to protect staff and ensure AI systems remain trustworthy and fair.

Main takeaways:

  1. Urgency of AI policy development:
    • Most higher education institutions lacked specific AI policies when they first introduced AI software. There is now a pressing need to develop and implement these policies to ensure AI systems are used ethically and do not spiral out of control.
  2. Stakeholder involvement:
    • Developing AI policies should involve all institutional stakeholders, not just instructors and students, as AI impacts all levels of employees in different roles.
  3. Interdisciplinary teams:
    • Effective AI systems for higher education should be developed by interdisciplinary teams that include computer experts, educators, social scientists, and education psychologists.
  4. Competency profiles for training:
    • The report includes a competency profile outlining the necessary skills and knowledge for stakeholders to effectively follow AI policies, which can serve as a framework for developing training programs.
  5. Future of AI:
    • AI, particularly artificial general intelligence (AGI), is advancing rapidly and will soon be capable of completing intellectual tasks similar to humans. Institutions must keep up with these developments in policy creation and employee training.
  6. Universal vs. local policies:
    • There is a discussion on whether AI policies should be universal across all countries or tailored to the local context, considering different countries may use AI in various ways.
  7. Global efforts and surveys:
    • International organizations like the UN, UNESCO, and OECD are developing global policies and frameworks for the responsible use of AI. Surveys indicate that most educational institutions currently lack formal guidance on using AI, underscoring the need for urgent policy development.
  8. Applications in education:
    • AI can revolutionize education by personalizing learning experiences, aiding in teaching and research, and streamlining administrative processes. However, it must be designed and implemented ethically.
  9. Challenges and risks:
    • While AI offers numerous benefits, it also poses risks, including issues related to security, privacy, transparency, liability, labor rights, intellectual property, and disinformation. These challenges must be addressed through well-developed policies and guidelines.
  10. Generative AI usage:
    • GenAI, like ChatGPT, is widely used in higher education for preparing documents, reports, and assignments. Institutions need policies to address issues such as academic integrity, authorship, and ethical use.

The report underscores the rapid pace of AI development and the critical need for higher education institutions to develop comprehensive, ethical, and inclusive AI policies. It highlights the importance of involving all stakeholders in policy development, creating interdisciplinary teams, and providing adequate training to ensure AI is used responsibly in education.

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