Debunking the “BrainBridge” AI Video: A Lesson in Critical Thinking (Lesson Plan)

As an educator constantly on the lookout for the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics, I recently came across a video that took the internet by storm. Titled “Head Transplant Machine- BrainBridge,” the video depicted a remarkable technological breakthrough – the ability to conduct complete head and face transplants using advanced robotics and artificial intelligence.

After some days and some digging, it became clear that the “BrainBridge” video/website were in fact an elaborate hoax, crafted to deceive the public. 


This incident highlights the importance of critical thinking and media literacy, especially in an age where misinformation can spread like wildfire online. As educators, it is our responsibility to equip our students with the skills to discern fact from fiction, to question the validity of claims, and to think critically about the technological advancements they encounter.

To that end, I have designed a lesson plan that explores the “BrainBridge” video & website, using it as a springboard to discuss the following key topics:

  1. The role of verification and fact-checking in the digital age
  2. Recognizing the hallmarks of manipulated or fabricated media
  3. Understanding the motivations and tactics behind online hoaxes
  4. Developing a healthy skepticism towards sensational technological claims
  5. Fostering critical thinking skills to navigate the rapidly evolving world of AI

Grade Level: 10-12
Subject: Biology/Health Science, Media Literacy


  1. Understand the concept and potential of head transplants through the BrainBridge video.
  2. Recognize the importance of verification and fact-checking in the digital age.
  3. Identify hallmarks of manipulated or fabricated media.
  4. Understand motivations and tactics behind online hoaxes.
  5. Develop critical thinking skills to navigate AI and sensational technological claims.
  6. Explore how AI technology enables the creation of realistic but fictional videos.



Introduction (15 minutes):

  • Discuss the BrainBridge video and its implications.
  • Explain how the video has sparked widespread debate and ties into broader themes of life-extension and biotechnology.

Group Research (30 minutes):

  • Divide students into small groups and assign topics:
    1. The technology behind head transplants.
    2. Ethical and societal impacts.
    3. Medical challenges and future implications.
    4. Verification and fact-checking in digital media.
    5. The role of AI in creating realistic videos.

Class Discussion (20 minutes):

  • Groups present their findings.
  • Discuss the role of fact-checking and recognizing fake media, using the BrainBridge video as an example.

Case Study Analysis (25 minutes):

  • Analyze the BrainBridge video and article in depth.
  • Identify signs of manipulated or fabricated media.
  • Discuss motivations behind creating such hoaxes, including publicity, financial gain, or pushing technological boundaries.

Exploration of AI Technology (20 minutes):

  • Explain how AI and advanced Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) technology were used to create the BrainBridge video.
  • Discuss the capabilities of AI in producing realistic media and its potential ethical implications.

Critical Thinking Exercise (15 minutes):

  • Present students with various sensational technological claims.
  • Have students evaluate the credibility of these claims.
  • Discuss strategies for developing healthy skepticism.

Reflection and Writing (40 minutes):

  • Students write a brief essay on their views regarding the BrainBridge technology and the importance of media literacy in today’s world.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Summarize key points from the lesson.
  • Highlight the importance of critical thinking and media literacy.
  • Assign a follow-up activity: research another sensational technological claim and prepare a presentation.

This lesson plan integrates the BrainBridge video/article to foster critical thinking, media literacy, and a deeper understanding of the intersection between technology and society. It encourages students to analyze sensational claims critically, understand the broader implications of emerging technologies, and appreciate the role of AI in creating realistic but fictional media.

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