The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques (6 June 2024)

This paper establishes a structured and systematic understanding of prompt engineering. Despite its widespread use, the field of prompting suffers from conflicting terminologies and a lack of clear ontological definitions due to its nascent nature. This paper aims to fill that gap by assembling a taxonomy of prompting techniques and analyzing their use across various contexts.

Key takeaways:

  1. Comprehensive vocabulary and taxonomy:
    • The paper introduces a robust vocabulary encompassing 33 terms related to prompting (p.5).
    • It also categorizes 58 text-only prompting techniques and 40 techniques for other modalities, offering a clear and organized framework for understanding different prompting methodologies.
  2. Meta-analysis of literature:
    • The authors conducted a meta-analysis of existing literature on natural language prefix-prompting, providing insights into how these techniques have evolved and their efficacy in various applications.
  3. Focus on discrete prefix prompts:
    • The study focuses on discrete prefix prompts rather than cloze prompts, ensuring that the techniques covered are applicable to modern LLM architectures, particularly decoder-only models.
  4. Multilingual and multimodal prompting:
    • Beyond English text-based prompts, the paper delves into multilingual and multimodal prompting techniques, highlighting the versatility and adaptability of these methods across different media and languages.
  5. Evaluation and security:
    • It discusses the importance of evaluating the outputs of prompting techniques to ensure accuracy and avoid hallucinations.
    • The paper also addresses security concerns, detailing types of prompt hacking and measures to mitigate risks.
  6. Case studies:
    • Practical applications of prompting techniques are illustrated through two detailed case studies, emphasizing their real-world relevance and potential impact.

Why should you read this paper?

For anyone interested in the world of prompting, this paper is an invaluable resource! It not only provides a detailed taxonomy and vocabulary but also offers practical insights and evaluations that can guide both researchers and developers in their work. The systematic review and comprehensive analysis make it a must-read for those looking to deepen their understanding of prompting techniques and their applications.

In conclusion, “The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques” is a seminal work that presents the complexities and potentials of prompt engineering. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a developer looking to harness the power of GenAI, spending time with this paper will undoubtedly broaden your perspective and enhance your toolkit in this rapidly advancing field.


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