Designing Humanoid Robots for a Moral and Safe Future

In November 2023, I designed a series of lessons focusing on humanoid robots due to their close connection to AI. The objective was for students to design their own humanoid robots that could serve human beings in a moral and safe way.

The task was met with enthusiasm, and students worked in pairs or groups to create their designs. They had to sketch the physical appearance of their robots, list and describe the features and capabilities, explain the technology used, state the purpose of their robots, and describe the safety measures implemented.

To showcase their designs, students created visually appealing posters using online tools or traditional paper. The assessment criteria included evaluating creativity, attention to detail, poster design, and real-world application. Safety considerations were also emphasized, ensuring that students thoroughly addressed potential risks and safety measures in their designs. The students enjoyed the task and demonstrated their imaginative thinking, problem-solving skills, and understanding of the interplay between humanoid robots and AI.

Students’ work:

Task Description: Design Your Own Humanoid Robot

Objective: Design a humanoid robot that can serve human beings in a moral and safe way. You will create a digital poster to illustrate your design or a traditional paper poster.


  1. Robot Design: Sketch a design of your robot. It should be humanoid, meaning it should resemble a human in appearance and functionality. Consider the size, shape, color, and any other physical attributes that would make your robot unique.
  2. Features: List and describe the features your robot will have. These can include physical features (like arms, legs, sensors) and capabilities (like speech recognition, object manipulation). Think about what makes your robot special. Does it have super strength? Can it fly? Can it perform complex tasks?
  3. Technology: Explain what type of technology your robot will use. This can include AI, machine learning, sensor technology, etc. Consider how these technologies will enable your robot’s features and capabilities.
  4. Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of your robot. What tasks will it perform? How will it serve human beings? Note: You cannot choose military or sexual industry for this assignment. Consider tasks that are currently performed by humans but could be automated, such as household chores, caregiving, or customer service.
  5. Safety Measures: Describe how your robot will be safe for humanity. Consider potential risks and how your robot is designed to mitigate them. For example, how will your robot ensure it does not harm humans or property? How will it handle errors or unexpected situations?

Poster Creation:

Create a poster using online tools/ traditional paper poster  that includes all of the above information. The poster should be visually appealing and easy to understand. Include your robot sketch, feature list, technology description, purpose, and safety measures. You can also use images, diagrams, and text to convey your ideas.

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Creativity: How original and innovative is your robot design? Does your robot have unique features or capabilities that set it apart from existing robots?
  2. Detail: Have you included all required information? Is your description of features, technology, purpose, and safety measures detailed and clear? Does your poster effectively communicate your ideas?
  3. Poster Design: Is your poster visually appealing? Does it effectively communicate your robot design and its features? Have you used images, diagrams, and text effectively?
  4. Real-world Application: Does your robot serve a real-world need? Is its purpose well thought out and feasible? Have you considered how your robot could improve people’s lives or work more efficiently?
  5. Safety Consideration: Have you thoroughly considered and addressed safety concerns? Have you thought about potential risks and how your robot is designed to mitigate them?

Do you wonder why you should talk about this topic?

  1. Technological Literacy: Our students need to develop a strong understanding of emerging technologies. By discussing humanoid robots, we can familiarize students with the advancements in robotics and AI, fostering technological literacy and preparing them for the future job market.
  2. Real-World Relevance: Humanoid robots are increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives. From customer service robots to educational companions, they are being deployed in various contexts. By discussing humanoid robots, we can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, helping students see how AI technologies are shaping the world around them.
  3. Ethical Considerations: The rise of humanoid robots raises important ethical questions. We can engage students in critical discussions regarding the ethical implications of AI-powered robots, such as issues related to privacy, data security, and the impact on human employment. These discussions encourage students to think critically, weigh different perspectives, and form informed opinions.
  4. Interdisciplinary Connections: The study of humanoid robots provides an opportunity to explore interdisciplinary connections. Teachers can tie discussions about humanoid robots to subjects like science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). This interdisciplinary approach fosters a holistic understanding of AI and its multidimensional impact on society.
  5. Career Exploration: The field of robotics and AI offers exciting career prospects. By introducing humanoid robots in the classroom, we can inspire students to explore STEM-related careers and consider fields such as robotics engineering, AI research, human-robot interaction design, and more. This exposure can ignite students’ interest and motivation to pursue future paths in these areas.
  6. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Discussing humanoid robots encourages students to think critically and engage in problem-solving. They can analyze the challenges faced by humanoid robots, brainstorm innovative solutions, and reflect on the potential benefits and limitations of these technologies. This cultivates valuable skills that are essential in the AI era.

  1. Atlas (new version)Boston Dynamics
  2. Figure 01Figure Robotics
  3. OptimusTesla
  4. CL-1LimX Dynamics
  5. KeplerKepler Robotics
  6. DigitAgility Robotics
  7. ApolloApptronik
  8. Walker SUBtech
  9. AmecaEngineered Arts
  10. H1Unitree Robotics
  11. GR-1Fourier Robots
  12. MagicBotMagic Labs
  13. NEO1x technologies
  14. PhoenixSanctuaryAI
  15. AlohaStanford University
  16. MenteebotMentee Robotics
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