Explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology through our Extended Project Qualification (Pearson)

Teachers, please take note of Pearson’s exciting new resource on Artificial Intelligence! Their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) on AI offers a unique pathway for students to independently explore and critically test AI tools and technologies!

The text you see below is not my work. It was first published on the Pearson qualifications website-https://qualifications.pearson.com/en

“Our new AI support pathway enables learners to independently focus their project on critically testing and exploring AI tools and technologies, their potential applications, and any wider ethical and societal considerations.

Created in collaboration with teachers of the EPQ across all four units, EPQ:AI encourages learners to explore, apply and critically evaluate AI tools and the outputs they generate in a context or area of personal interest, which will help students to consider the impact AI and advancing technology will have on their potential future work, education or on everyday life.

Choose any focus you like, or take inspiration from topic ideas such as ‘can an AI tool replace the consultation process of a doctor?’, or ‘could an AI reporter improve societies’ trust in the news?’

Explore Generative AI (GAI) tools such as ChatGPT, SoundRaw and Podcastle to generate content, and critically evaluate their use.

Understand AI tools and build useful digital skills to prepare for the future as AI rapidly transforms the world around us.

Critique the value of AI in creative fields including areas such as playwriting and play performance, song and music composition, and screenplay for film or moving media.

Dive deep into questions surrounding the use of AI and the value of its generated content, by creating an essay, performance or artefact as part of your investigations, alongside your other studies.

Develop critical thinking skills to explore responsible use of AI, considering issues such as ethics, copyright, empathy, source bias and wider societal issue.” (Source)

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