Embracing the PICRAT Model in the Age of AI

The PICRAT Model offers a comprehensive framework to assess and enhance the use of technology, ensuring it drives transformative learning experiences. This blog post focuses on the PICRAT Model and explores how it can be effectively applied in the current era of AI.

Understanding the PICRAT Model

The PICRAT Model is designed to evaluate the use of technology in education through two lenses: the student’s relationship to technology (PIC) and the teacher’s use of technology (RAT).

The PIC Framework

1. Passive (P): Students consume content passively, similar to traditional methods such as watching videos or reading digital textbooks.

2. Interactive (I): Students engage interactively with the technology, such as participating in simulations or educational games.

3. Creative (C): Students use technology to create content, fostering creativity and deeper understanding through projects like digital storytelling or coding.

The RAT Framework

1. Replacement (R): Technology replaces traditional methods without changing the learning process (e.g., using a word processor instead of pen and paper).

2. Amplification (A): Technology amplifies existing practices, enhancing efficiency and engagement (e.g., using interactive whiteboards to make lessons more dynamic).

3. Transformation (T): Technology transforms the learning experience, enabling tasks that were previously inconceivable (e.g., using VR to explore historical sites virtually).

Applying PICRAT in the Age of AI

With AI becoming more prevalent in educational settings, the PICRAT Model can help educators leverage AI tools effectively. Here is how:

Passive to interactive: Enhancing engagement

AI-powered platforms can move students from passive consumption of information to interactive learning. For instance, AI tutors can provide personalized feedback, adapting to each student’s learning pace and interests. Educators can evaluate the impact of these tools by assessing the level of student engagement and interaction.

Example: Using an AI-driven language learning app that adjusts difficulty based on student performance, moving from passive listening to interactive exercises.

Interactive to creative: fostering innovation

AI can facilitate creative learning experiences by providing students with tools to create and innovate. Educators should aim to move beyond interactive use to creative applications of AI, encouraging students to develop projects that demonstrate their understanding and creativity.

Example: Implementing AI tools like machine learning platforms where students can build and test their models, fostering a hands-on understanding of AI concepts.

Replacement to amplification: enhancing traditional methods

While AI can replace some traditional methods, its true potential lies in amplification. AI can enhance traditional teaching practices by offering advanced data analytics, enabling educators to tailor their teaching strategies based on real-time insights.

Example: Using AI to analyze student performance data, helping teachers identify areas where students struggle and adjust their teaching methods accordingly.

Amplification to transformation: enabling new possibilities

The ultimate goal is to use AI to transform the educational experience, creating opportunities that were previously unimaginable. This involves integrating AI in ways that fundamentally change how students learn and how teachers teach.

Example: Incorporating AI-driven virtual reality experiences to allow students to conduct virtual lab experiments or explore historical events, providing immersive and transformative educational experiences.

The PICRAT Model offers a valuable framework for evaluating and enhancing the use of technology in schools. By moving through the stages of PIC and RAT, educators can ensure that AI tools are not just used for the sake of technology but are harnessed to create meaningful, engaging, and transformative learning experiences.

Incorporating AI thoughtfully and strategically can empower educators and students alike, fostering a future-ready learning environment. By embracing the PICRAT Model, educators can navigate the complexities of AI integration, ensuring that technology serves as a powerful catalyst for educational transformation.


Kimmons, R., Graham, C. R., & West, R. E. (2020). The PICRAT model for technology integration in teacher preparation. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education20(1). https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1245787

Office of the CIO. (n.d.). PICRAT: A model for analyzing classroom technology integration. Umich.edu. Retrieved May 22, 2024, from https://lsa.umich.edu/technology-services/news-events/all-news/teaching-tip-of-the-week/picrat-a-model-for-analyzing-classroom-technology-integration.html

The PICRAT model for technology integration in teacher preparation. (n.d.). Citejournal.org. Retrieved May 22, 2024, from https://citejournal.org/volume-20/issue-1-20/general/the-picrat-model-for-technology-integration-in-teacher-preparation/

(N.d.). Edtechbooks.org. Retrieved May 22, 2024, from https://edtechbooks.org/encyclopedia/picrat

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