Teacher Knowledge in the Age of Generative AI (Punya Mishra/ SITE 2024)

Punya Mishra discusses the impact of generative AI on education, emphasizing the need for understanding the technology, recognizing teachers as creative designers, and being aware of the broader social implications of AI.

⚡️ Generative AI: Punya Mishra explains that generative AI, like Chat GPT, goes beyond being a simple tool and has the potential to be a thought partner and creative collaborator. However, it also has limitations and biases that need to be addressed.

🎨 Teachers as Designers: Punya Mishra highlights the importance of viewing teachers as creative designers who work across various spaces, such as artifacts, experiences, and processes. He suggests that AI can assist teachers in these roles but cautions against relying solely on AI for education.

⚠️ Broader Social Implications: Punya Mishra raises concerns about the societal impact of generative AI, such as the spread of misinformation, deep fakes, and the manipulation of human cognition. He calls for increased awareness and critical thinking skills to navigate these challenges.

🧠 Ecological Technological Change: Punya Mishra emphasizes that technological change is not additive but ecological, transforming society, culture, and human cognition. He urges educators to consider the broader social and cultural context when integrating AI into education.

🌍 Media Literacy: Punya Mishra argues that media literacy should focus not only on understanding AI but also understanding ourselves and our cognitive biases. He warns about the dangers of forming deep relationships with AI and the need to be vigilant in recognizing and addressing biases and challenges.

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